Postal Messaging

We offer a digital solution for post. In this modern age the traditional letter hasn't evolved for many years but still is an essential part of business communication that is both captivating and drives responses. While the trend is still towards preferring email to keep costs down 5.2 million households do not have internet access and 16 million people over the age of 15 do not have basic internet skills.

This is why we have developed an improved way of using the postal channel.

Our solution brings the ease of creating an email to the ease of sending post as well as removing all of the time wasting steps. By using our portal (right) you can create a message, hit send and we take care of the:

  • Printing
  • Paper and Envelope stocks
  • The ink/toner costs
  • The human effort of envelope stuffing
  • The taking to the post box/collection costs
  • Even the handling of returned post

Postal Platform

and we do this for cheaper than the price we believe you pay for franking and stationary supplies making this a guaranteed cost saver for you.

Recent Enhancements

2019-04-13 - Support - Support ticket changes to conversations
2019-04-12 - Dashboard - Enhanced metrics and billing counts
2019-04-10 - Timezone Support - Enhancements to support timezones in the UI
2019-04-09 - Session Security - Additional validations made to ensure sessions are secure that should mean less logging in and greater security.

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